Solar Panels

Building on a wealth of experience, we specialise in complete solar solutions


Highly Transparent Glass

Highly transparent low-iron tempered glass ensures the Valen Solar Panels withstand high wind pressure and snow loads

Easy Installation

Easy installation with the Valen Solar Panel’s MC4 connector allowing for a quick plug and play connection


Valen Solar Panel vandal-resistant version available delivering maximum protection against attacks from projectiles and harsh environments

IEC61215 Approved

Ensures the Valen Solar Panel range is suitable for long-term operation in open-air climates. The Valen Solar Panel range is capable of withstanding prolonged exposure in harsh climates


Valen Solar Accessories are available. Find out more here.

Valen Solar Panels are designed for industrial applications and cater for a wide range of stand-alone power projects. High-quality, customisation and complete system integration, with the full range of Valen products, have meant the Valen Solar Panels have fast become the solar panel of choice for critical solar applications.

Superior solar cells ensure Valen Solar Panels deliver a high level of performance, even in low light conditions, whilst maintaining an aesthetic appearance.
Customised panels are available to provide maximum efficiency and flexibility on large projects and to enable the usage of existing solar bracketry.

Having years of experience with the Valen Solar Panels has enabled Valen to offer a 25-year output warranty. Manufactured to Valen’s stringent quality standards, the Valen Solar Panels have, and will continue, to deliver peace of mind for remote and stand-alone solar applications.

General Specifications

Operating Temperature -40°C to +85°C
Output Warranty 25-years
Approvals IEC61215
Connections 900mm Fly lead with MC4 connectors

Solar Panels Range

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